Had More than 1 Child? You Could Suffer from Incontinence

Had More than 1 Child? You Could Suffer from Incontinence

Although natural childbirth has several positives over C-sections for both, the mother and baby, many women develop incontinence as a result of vaginal deliveries.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information reveals that you have a higher risk of developing the problem right after your first natural birth. Thankfully, women can choose from various non-invasive treatments that can help them regain their confidence and lead normal lives.


Incontinence Results from Stress on the Pelvic Muscles

Most women develop stress incontinence, which is characterized by passing a small amount of urine each time they laugh out loud, cough, or sneeze hard.

You could also develop incontinence because of an overactive bladder where you feel the sensation to pee frequently and it is hard to control long enough to get to a bathroom. Pregnancy and a vaginal delivery can cause this condition because the pressure of the uterus on your bladder weakens the pelvic floor muscles. Here’s how:


  • Pregnancy may cause the urethra and bladder to shift positions
  • Your obstetrician may have to conduct an episiotomy or make a small cut to allow the baby’s head to emerge.
  • The weight of the uterus may damage the muscles and nerves that control the bladder.


You Should Recover from Incontinence by the Time Your Baby is 6 Weeks Old

While your muscles should regain their strength within 6 weeks after delivery, contact your doctor if the symptoms of incontinence persist. In addition to checking you for other medical problems like a urinary tract infection, the practitioner will make recommendations to help you.


Kegel Exercises

You can perform these exercises at any time during the day. Relax the muscles of your abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Next, tighten and hold the muscles of your pelvic region while you count up to 10. Release, count to 10, and repeat. You might need a little practice, but after around six to eight weeks, you’ll notice that it is becoming easier to control your urine. 


BTL EMSella Therapy

Research has shown that electrical stimulation therapy can cause the muscles of your pelvic floor to contract similar to when you do Kegel exercises. This stimulation is given to you through a BTL EMSella chair. When you sit in the chair, the pulsating magnetic fields work on the nerves to strengthen them.

You’ll remain fully clothed through the procedure that lasts about 20 minutes, at a time. Most women need to come in twice a week for around eight weeks for the best results. 


Bladder Training

Your doctor may help you with a bladder training program where you train pelvic muscles to resist incontinence and control the flow of urine better. For instance, you’ll follow a bladder-voiding schedule every hour and gradually, raise the intervals. You’ll also clench your muscles and avoid visiting the bathroom out of schedule. As you continue to follow the program, you’ll soon get over incontinence. Losing excess weight, cutting back on the intake of caffeine and alcohol, and quitting smoking can also help.

Incontinence after a vaginal delivery can be controlled with the right guidance and therapy. Talk to your doctor and ask for advice on how to manage the condition.

Our team is here to support you and help you find solutions. Text or call at 334-454-4448 to learn more.
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