Why Nobody Talks About Painful Intercourse

Why Nobody Talks About Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse or dyspareunia as it is also called is more common than most women realize it. Several factors can cause the condition, some of which are physical and other psychological.

The surprising fact is that at least 7% of women suffer through the problem totally unaware that they shouldn’t be experiencing pain. Peer pressure, misinformation, cultural factors, and lack of confidence in one’s sexuality prevent women from talking about their discomfort and understanding that they may need help. 

Shyness Prevents Women from Talking About their Needs

As a rule, women are not comfortable talking about what they want in bed. Giving a choice between communicating with their partners, chances are that they’ll grin and just focus on getting it over with.

Insufficient foreplay or lack of an emotional connection typically results in low lubrication levels which, in turn, causes dryness, chafing, and dyspareunia or painful intercourse.

Fear of intimacy because of cultural conditioning or a history of abuse can also make women tense up at the time of penetration and thrusting. Further, stress at work or on the home front often translates into problems in the bedroom.

Medical Issues Can Trigger Painful Intercourse

Many women are born with or develop medical problems that they don’t know they have. A simple examination can reveal symptoms that can be treated with medications, ointments, creams, insertable tablets, and non-invasive treatments. Here are some of the health issues you can resolve.

  • Vaginal agenesis or improperly-shaped vagina
  • Growing of a hymen-like membrane blocking a part of the vagina
  • Infection and inflammation in the genital area or urinary tract including eczema, yeast infections, and STDs
  • Injury from an accident, surgical procedures, vaginal delivery, or a cut made during delivery to allow the baby’s head to emerge
  • Hormone imbalances and dropping levels of estrogen can also cause pain. Like, for example, during menopause and breastfeeding.
  • Involuntary spasms in the muscles lining the walls of the vagina

Intake of certain medicines like anti-allergy or histamines, birth control, hypertension, sedatives, and anti-depressants can also lower lubrication. Should you consult your doctor, he’ll likely explore your medical history and the prescriptions you’re taking before suggesting a course of action. 

Uterine Conditions May Result in Pain Deep in the Vagina

Many women may only experience pain during deep thrusting because of uterine conditions. Some of these issues include:

  • Endometriosis where the lining of the uterus grows outside the walls
  • Fibroids and cysts in the uterus
  • Inflammation in the pelvis
  • Retroverted uterus
  • Uterine prolapse where the uterus slips downwards into or toward the vagina because of weakened pelvic muscles
  • Cysts in the ovaries

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or hemorrhoids can also result in painful intercourse.

Have you been feeling pain during or even, hours after intercourse? Know that this is not normal and intimacy is about pleasure and creating a lasting bond with your partner.

Your doctor can help you resolve the medical or psychological issues you’re dealing with and also provide valuable counseling. You could also opt for non-invasive options that can repair some of the issues so you can feel like a complete woman again.

If you are experiencing chronic pelvic pain, be sure to contact our office for assistance. Dr. McWhorter and his team are specialists in assisting women with pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction issues. Book a confidential consultation to see how we can help you.

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